
An important part of the Proctor High School and A.I. Jedlicka Middle School experience is the activity programs. Students have a wide variety of activities open to them and every student should attempt to take part in an activity sometime during their 6-12 grade years. We strongly encourage student participation in after-school activities as there is a correlation between students who are involved in these activities and their academic success. Administration reserves the right to suspend activities from students for behavior unbecoming an athlete even if they have not yet signed the MSHSL code of conduct form. The following activities are available for student participation at Proctor middle school:
Basketball (Contact Community Education for more details)
Cross Country Running (Head Coach = Lowell Harnell)
Swimming, Girls (Head Coach = Jon Nelson)
Swimming, Boys (Head Coach = Jon Nelson)
Football (Head Coach Matt Krivinchuk)
Nordic Skiing (Head Coach = Josh Gookins)
Track & Field (Head Varsity Boys Coach = Nathan Johnson)
(Contact Community Education for Information for the Girls Team)
Golf (Head Coach = Chris Klatte)
Volleyball (Head Coach= Trish Jauhola)
Wrestling (Head Coach = Dave McNamee)
An activity fee is charged for extra-curricular activities. Fees may be waived in hardship cases and the Activities Director will determine and process such waiver requests. All fees must be paid prior to participation in a practice or contest.
If a student is participating in extracurricular activities, it is requested that students be picked up by blue entrance #5 after 3:15.
Each activity/coach has specific lettering policies for their sport/activity. These policies will be distributed at each individual sport/activity parent meeting prior to the start of the season. Completion of the season is required in order to be eligible for a letter (exception: injury that limits participation). It is the policy of Proctor Public Schools that a letter can be earned only in sports/activities supported officially by the Proctor School District and that are affiliated with the Minnesota State High School League.
Transportation will be provided by the school district to all events. Individual participants who may want to drive to a contest must approve this with the coach/ advisor and Activities Director PRIOR to the contest. Individual coaches/advisors may have additional policies relating to transportation.
In order to be eligible, students involved in extra-curricular activities must maintain a 1.75 GPA. Quarterly evaluations will be made and students not meeting the minimum requirement will be put on activities probation. After being placed on activities probation for one quarter, and still not meeting minimal GPA requirements, students will be placed on activities suspension. Activity suspended students are ineligible to participate. Students will be evaluated quarterly for eligibility. A student can be moved from suspension to probation based on achieving minimum GPA requirements.
Fan attendance at away contests is encouraged. Participants who attend away contests are bound to the policies and behavior expectations listed in this handbook.
1. Sit in your school’s designated section.
2. Treat visiting contestants and spectators as guests and with respect.
3. Do not “boo” or use degrading references or profanity toward game officials, opposing contestants or fans, or your team.
4. Conduct yourself at all times in a manner that will reflect positively upon you and the school.
5. If you ride the bus to athletic contests or other school activities, you must return on the bus unless written permission is received from your parents in advance and approved by the coach/advisor and the Activities Director.
6. During the playing of the National Anthem, you should stand respectfully. All hats should be removed.
7. If inappropriate behavior is exhibited which is unbecoming to our school or community, you will be removed from that specific event.
8. School disciplinary action will be taken at the discretion of the Principal or Activities Director